Your Single or Mixtape: $12500.00 PLATINUM Package:1. Exclusive artist promotions for 90 days.
2. Two Interviews w/Reviews on Nerve DJs Conference Call.
3. Two Singles w/ Videos or mixtape promoted for 90 days.
4. Featured Artist for 7 days each month (Must Have Account).
5. Added as Priority Artist for 90 days.
6. Videos Featured and added to your singles pages.
7. Added to POOL track Trends & Nerve DJs Mp3 Pools. Over 10K DJs
8. Submitted to Nerve DJs Radio Network Stations (10).
9. Up to 10+ SPINS a day on NERVE DJs Radio (850+ Spins) per single.
10. Posted to Thirty+ Blogs & Music Sites (Thisis50, TheSource, HipHopSince1987 and more)
11. Singles & Mixtape Page takeover (one Week each month)
12. Singles & Mixtape added to our site forever!
13. Singles added to the NerveDJs Soundcloud & promoted.
14. Rotating Banner (614 x 235 pixels) on Home page.***
15. 970 x 80 banner on top of every Mixtape page for 90 days.***
16. Custom IG/Youtube Video crafted & Promoted.
17. Full Page Ad in Crunk Atlanta Magazine.
18. Interview in Access Unlocked Magazine.
19. Mixtape & or Single posted to Underground Vision Magazine.
20. 60 Second Commercial on Guaradio & Nerve DJs Radio.***
21. 20 Minute Interview on Guaradio.
22. 10 Minute Interview on WURG Big Ten Countdown.
23. Two page article in Underground Vision Magazine.
24. Twitter Banner (1500 x 500 pixels) on up to 5 accounts for 90 days.***
25. Cover Artwork as background on your pages.
26. Twelve Exclusive eBlasts to 50K contacts (one per week).
27. Six Multi Artists/DJ eBlasts (Every Other Week).
28. Twelve eBlast to over 5000 DJs ONLY!
29. Twitter/Facebook/IG promo for 90 days.
30. Correct Id3 tags for each of your files on your project.
31. Compatible with all browsers & mobile devices HTML 5 & Flash
32. Social media activity on all of our Social networks.
33. Street promo 5K flyers & 100 posters in NE, Ohio***
34. Single/Mixtape Featured for 90 days on top of every page.
No log in needed to download Mixtape.
*** You Provide Artwork, Flyers, Posters & Commercial
ARTIST NAME: ________________________________________
TWITTER: @__________________________________________
DATE BEGINNING:____________________________________
ENDING _____________________________________________
REFERRAL NAME: ____________________________________
Prices Subject to Change at ANY TIME!
Payments accepted by Cash, PayPal, MoneyGram or Western Union. PayPal email: nervedjs@gmail.comChase Quick Pay email:
Cash App: $DJJohnnyO
Contact Info & Address
DJ Johnny O
17325 Euclid Ave. Ste CL2 - 134aCleveland, Ohio 44112
Contact Us
- (216) 273-8484
Get in Touch With Us
Address, LLC17325 Euclid Ave.
Suite CL2-134 - CL2-136a
Cleveland, Ohio PRESS KIT
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